Final Design Project

For the final draft of my design project, I decided to simplify the image, but at the same time add another layer to it from my previous draft. I have used all of the same images from my first draft, but have instead put them in a different order layer-wise. I moved the image of the hand and the clapper to the foreground, while the script remains the only image in the background. This tweaks the meaning of the image a bit, as it suggests that the actors in the photo are shooting a scene. One of the reasons for this change was because a few of the comments I received from my classmates mentioned that the background seemed too cluttered.

I also have added a layer behind the image of the actors, which is just a copy of the same image but with an added black and white color effect. I decided to do this because I wanted to fill up more of the space on the image and create depth.

For my final change of the image, I have changed the font of the text. I changed the font to the one that is traditionally used in scripts, which is Courier New.

I think this image is much more united than the previous one. I wanted to convey a depiction of myself in my element doing what I love, which is acting. I believe I have achieved that with this photo.

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